Faculty Name : Boregowda H B
Department : Electronics & Communication Engineering
Boregowda H B
Assistant Professor,
Dept of ECE,
ORCID ID: 0009-0001-4678-7529
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SOOmJ0kAAAAJ
Vidwan ID: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in//profile/530485
Education Details :
- Pursuing PhD in Micro Electronics, SJCE Mysuru
- Master of Technology, Electronics, VTU, CIT Gubbi, Tumakuru , 2012.
- Bachelor of Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, VTU, CIT, Gubbi, Tumakuru, 2008.
Personal Details :
- DOB: 03-07-1986
- Hobbies: Reading books, learning new things, Playing cricket and volleyball.
- Languages known: English, Kannada and Telugu.
Profession Experience :
- Working as Assistant Professor, ECE Department, GSSSIETW, MYSURU ,from 14th July 2014 to till date .
- Worked as Assistant Professor, ECE Department, KVGCE, Sullia , from 18th July 2012 to 9th july 2014.
- Worked as lecturer,ECE Department, SET Polytechnic , Melkote, Mandya, from 2009 to 2010.
Publications :
- Bore Gowda H B “Comparative Performance Analysis Of CMOS full adder using various pass transistor logic”, International Conference on Applied science Engg. And Technology, Sairam College of Engg. Bengaluru, ISBN : 9788192958050, 6th - 7th June 2016.
Academic Activities :
- Department level Placement coordinator 2019,2020,2021 & 2022 GSSSIETW, MYSURU.
- Coordinated the International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT), Held in the month December 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 in Association with IEEE Bangalore section.
- Have Guided 10 UG Projects. Currently guiding 1 UG project.
- Coordinated in the 2nd International Conference on Adaptive Computational Intelligence (ICACI-2020) organized under IQAC by GSSSIETW Mysuru on 15th& 16th December 2020.
- Coordinated the Inter College Mini Project Expo-2019 organized by IETE Students Forum, GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 13th November 2019.
- Worked for NAAC Accreditation in the college level and coordinated forthe National Conference on Communication and Data Science (NCCDS-2019) on 26th April 2019.
- Worked for the NBA Accreditation of the UG program under the Department of Electronics & Communication Engg.
- Have Participated in various departmental & college level technical fest and supported for the conduction of various technical events.
- Worked as external DCS.
- Department level EDC coordinator 2019, GSSSIETW, MYSURU.
- GSSSIETW Professional Forum Coordinator,2015,2016,2017,GSSSIETW,MYSURU
- Project Coordinator, 2017, GSSSIETW, MYSURU.
- Course Material Coordinator , 2016,GSSSIETW,MYSURU
- Counseling In charge , 2015,2016,GSSSIETW,MYSURU
- Worked as laboratory external examiner.
- Paper setter for the subject Automotive electronics& electronic circuits at the university level.
- Worked as evaluator at the University level.
- Worked as Moderator at the University level.
- NBA Criteria IV Coordinator, 2013,KVGCE,Sullia.
- Press & Publicity Coordinator, 2014-15,GSSSIETW,Mysuru.
Faculty Development Activities :
- Participated in FDP on Recent Advances in Photonics Technology VVCE, Mysuru,2022
- Participated in Online PICTOWORD-TECH VVCE, Mysuru,2021
- Participated in Workshop on World of circuit simulation VVCE, Mysuru,2021
- Participated Webinar Series on Satellite and Automation GSSSIETW,Mysuru,2021
- Participated in 3 Days Webinar Series On “Drone Technology” GSSSIETW,Mysuru,2020
- Participated in the TEQIP-III Sponsored One Week FDP on “Artificial Intelligence and its Application Towards Robotics” in the dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NIE Mysuru, 20th to 26th Jan 2020.
- Participated in the 3 Days Webinar Series On “Drone Technology” GSSSIETW, Mysuru 15/06/2020 to 17/06/2020
- Participated in the Webinar Series on Satellite and Automation, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 11th to 13th May 2020
- Participated in the Workshop on World of circuit simulation, VVCE, Mysuru, 13th June 2020
- Participated in the IEEE Reference Management tool for research articles and thesis writing, IEEE Bangalore section, 20th May 2020
- Participated in the Webinar on Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Navkis College of Engineering, 30-07-2020
- Participated in the Online quiz PICTOWORD-TECH, VVCE, Mysuru, 2nd July 2020.
- Participated in the Five Day FDP on Recent Advances in Photonics Technology, VVCE, Mysuru, 7th to 11th September 2020
- Participated one day “Teacher Effectiveness Programme” by College for Leadership and Human Resource Development (CLHRD), Mangalore scheduled at GSSS SimhaSubbaMahalakshmi First Grade College, Mysuru on 13.01.2020.
- Participated in the 2nd international seminar on “Research and innovation in engineering and technology “GSSSIETWMysuru, 16 Dec 2019
- Worked as the Resource person for Four Weeks Online Internship “Analog & digital design using cadence” GSSSIETW Mysuru, 10th August 2020 to 4th September 2020.
- Participated in the one day workshop on “FEEL-Teacher developing and mentoring”, GSSSIETW Mysuru13 Jan 2020
- Organized a day Webinar on 9th March 2018 at GSSSIETW Mysuru
- Participated in 3 Day AICTE sponsored FDP for students induction from 18 - 20 th June 2018 at Sahyadri College of engineering Mangalore.
- Coordinated for National Conference on “ELECTRONICS, SIGNALS & COMPUTATION” ,GSSSIETW, Mysuru,2017
- Undergone 5 days faculty development program on “NBA e-SAR”, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 2017.
- Attended 3 days FDP on “Antenna Design and Analysis using ESI’s CEM Solution tools 2016”, GSSSIETW Mysuru, 27th – 29th Jan 2016.
- Attended, a FDP on "Microcontroller and its applications to power converters", IIT Roorkee, 21th -25th Dec 2015.
- Attended a workshop on “Recent Trends in Photonics”, organized by IEEE Photonics Society, GSSSIETW Mysuru, 29th Aug 2015.
- Attended, a workshop on “NBA Accreditation”, GSSSIETW Mysuru, 21th - 23rd July 2015.
- Undergone AICTE sponsored 15 days faculty development program on “REAL WORLD DSP”, CIT, Gubbi, 2013.
- Undergone 3 months training on SAP-ABAPR/3, Bangalore, Times Technology, 2008.
- Presented a technical paper titled “Multi media conference using ADHOC Network”, CIT Gubbi, 2010.
- 2 days workshop on “Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications”, CIT, Gubbi ,2011.
Conference :
- Bore Gowda H B “Intelligent Bluetooth for home automation” technical paper presented in State level paper presentation, IEINITTE-2017,March-2017.
- Bore Gowda H B “Design & Synthesis of Digital FIR Low-pass & High pass Filter Based on Kaiser Window Function” technical paper published in International Journal Of Engineering Science Invention Research & Development- IJESIRD-2017
- Bore Gowda H B “Comparative Performance Analysis of CMOS Full adders Using Various Pass transistor logis” in the “International Conference on ”Applied Science Engineering & Technology ” held during 6th and 7th June, 2016 ,SSCE, Bengaluru, India.
- Bore Gowda H B “Design and Synthesis of Digital FIR Low and High-Pass Filter Based on Kaiser Window Function” in the “National Conference on Recent Trends In Electronics & Communication Engineering -NCRTEC 2014” held during10th MAY, 2014 held at SJBIT Bengaluru, India.
- Bore Gowda H B “FPGA Implementation of Digital FIR Low-pass Filter Based on Kaiser Window Function” in the “National Conference on Advances in computer Applications-NCACA 2012” held during 10th and 11th MAY, 2012 ,SSIT Tumakuru, India.
- Bore Gowda H B “FPGA Implementation of Digital FIR Low-pass Filter Based on Kaiser Window Function” in the “National Conference on Communication and Soft Computing -NCCSC 2012” held during 9th AUGUST, 2012 held at KSIT Bengaluru, India.
- Bore Gowda H B “FPGA Implementation of Digital FIR Low-pass Filter Based on Kaiser Window Function” in the “National Conference on Advances in computer Applications-NCACA 2012” held during 10th and 11th MAY, 2012 ,SSIT Tumakuru, India.
- Bore Gowda H B “FPGA Implementation of Digital FIR Low-pass Filter Based on Kaiser Window Function” in the “National Conference on Communication and Soft Computing -NCCSC 2012” held during 9th AUGUST, 2012 held at KSIT Bengaluru, India.
- Bore Gowda H B “Design and Synthesis of Digital FIR Low and High-Pass Filter Based on Kaiser Window Function” in the “National Conference on Recent Trends In Electronics & Communication Engineering -NCRTEC 2014” held during10th MAY, 2014 held at SJBIT Bengaluru, India.
Short Term Courses & Workshops Attended :
- Participated in one day workshop on “Latest Trends in Nano-Technology”, NIE, MYSURU, 2016.
- Undergone AICTE sponsored 5 days short term course on “ MICRO COMTROLLER & It’s APPLICATION TO POWER CONVERTERS”, IIT, Roorkee, Uttharkhand, 2015.
- Participated in 3 days workshop on “NBA Accreditation”, GSSSIETW, MYSURU, 2015.
Administrative Activities :
- Sponsorship committee member for all Department Events, National & International Conferences, FDP’s, Workshops, Fests and Cultural events. Coordinated in COMED-K during Admissions.
- Worked as invigilator for COMED-K & NEET examinations.
Professional Membership :
- LMISTE, (Membership No.) – LM113662.
- AMIETE, (Membership No.) – AM237520.
Awards Received:
- 100% Results Award for the following subjects
- VLSI Design
- Fiber optics & networks
- Automotive Electronics
- Electronics instrumentation etc.,
Contact Details :
114/1 Hadya, Hullenahalli Post,Dudda hobli, Mandya(t) Mandya-571405, Karnataka
Email Id: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (official)
(Mob #: +91-9739038476)
My Vision :
To strive for academic excellence and impart quality education with emphasis on Electronics & Communication Engineering and to inculcate the habit of executing effective implementation and rectification of Electronics Engineering problems in the minds of all concerned, which they can apply in their professional life in future.