Faculty Name: Nalina H D
Department : Electronics & Communication Engineering
Nalina H D
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of ECE,
ORCID iD: 0009-0008-2476-0422
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&authuser=1&hl=en&user=8VcSSB4AAAAJ&authuser=1
Vidwan ID:https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in//profile/529751
Education Details :
- Master of Technology, VLSI Design & Embedded Systems, PESCE, Mandya, 2011.
- Bachelor of Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, PESCE, Mandya, 2008.
Personal Details :
- Date of Birth : 10/02/1987
- Hobbies : Reading novels, listening to music
- Languages Known : Kannada, English
Profession Experience :
- Working as Assistant Professor at GSSSIETW, Mysuru from 15/07/2011 to till date.
Faculty Development Activities :
- Participated in one day workshop “Scientific Research Article Writing. Funding Proposal and patent filing” organized by ECE Research Center, Department of ECE in association with DST-CURIE Project.GSSSIETW,Mysuru on 16th May 2024.
- Attended Six day FDP on “ Next Gen Educators:Harenessing the power of machine learning” organized by the Department of information technology,jeppiar institute of Technology from 25/09/2024 to 01/10/2024.
- Participated in one day FDP on “Blooms Taxonomy in Teaching & Learning” organized by sansnow’s Nobel Professional Foundation on February 16th 2023.
- Participated one –week online FDP on “Emerging Techniques in 6G wireless Communications” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli Campus,Tamilnadu from 04/01/2023 to 10/01/2023.
- Has successfully completed a one–week AICTE- ISTE Sponsored Refresher Program on “Design Thinking” held during 07th March 2022 to 12th March 2022, organized by the VTU e-learning center, Mysuru and Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysuru.
- Participated Three days FDP on “Inspirational Teaching ,IoT and 5G Communication Engineering ” organized by the Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering from 15th to 17th Sep 2021, GSSSIETW, Mysuru
- FDP on Graphical System Design in Engg& Research Applications Attended Five day ATAL online FDP on “Photonics ” from 1st to 5th of Feb 2021, at NIT, Karnataka.
- Attended Five day FDP on “Developing Leadership Skills for Enhancing Personal and organization outcome” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 13th to 17 th of Sep 2021, VVCE, Mysuru
- Attended Five days online FDP on “Graphical System Design in Engg& Research Applications” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 6th to 11th of Sep 2021, VVCE, Mysuru
- Attended one week FDP on “Awareness program for knowledge enhancement of SS & QAR” organized by the IQAC in association with Department of computer science and Engineering from 23rd to 27th of Aug 2021, GSSSIETW, Mysuru
- Participated Three days workshop on “Design and simulation of Wireless communication systems (DSWCS-2021)” organized by the Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering from 1st to 3rd of july 2021, BIT, Bengaluru.
- Attended Six days AICTE-ISTE funded induction/refresher program on Next Generation Wireless Communication:5G & Beyond” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 3rd to 8th of May 2021, KSIT, Bengaluru.
- Attended Five days National level workshop on “Academic & Research Writing” organized by the Department of ECE from 25th to 29th of March 2021, ATME, Mysuru.
- Attended one day Training on “NI USRP 2944 FOR implementing 2x2 MIMO systems ", Organized by Dept. of ECE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 9/3/2021.
- Successfully completed NPTEL course on “Microprocessor & Microcontrollers” with 66 % held on 17.12.2020.
- Attended Three day online FDP on “FPGA Implementation of Digital Design with Verilog HDL” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 5th to 7th of August 2020, VVCE, Mysuru.
- Attended Online Five Day National Level Faculty Development Programme on “IoT Protocols and WSN Theory & Practice” held from 17th - 21st August 2020 organized by the department of ECE, BIT, Bangalore.
- Attended one week FDP “ Research Avenues in Healthcare Technology ", Organized by Dept. of Electronics & instrumentation from 21st July 2020 to 25th July 2020 under TEQIP PHASE III at SJCE,Mysuru
- Attended Five days FDP on “Hands on Introduction to NI LabVIEW", Organized by NI LabVIEW Academy School, Dept. of ECE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru from 21st July 2020 to 27th July 2020.
- Attended three days webinar on “Drone Technology” held on 15th June to 17th June 2020 at GSSSIETW,Mysuru.
- Participated IEEE Bangalore Section Researchers Forum online workshop on “IEEE REFERENCE MANAGEMENT TOOL FOR RESEARCH” ARTICLES AND THESIS WRITING” held on 20th May, 2020.
- Attended Three days faculty development program on “Digital Era of Teaching” conducted by Diksoochi, Mysuru from 11th to 13th May 2020.
- Attended webinar series on "Satellite and automation " organized by GSSSIETW IEEE student branch in association with IEEE Bangalore section and CAS Bangalore chapter during 11th to 13th May 2020 .
- Attended Five days faculty development program on “outcome based education and NBA” at GSSSIETW, Mysuru from 7th to 11th Jan 2020.
- Participated in one day 2nd international seminar on “Research and Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ISRIET) “held on 16th Dec 2019 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Participated in VTU TEQIP 1.3 Sponsored Five days Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends & applications of High Voltage- A step towards Green Environment” from 27th July 2019 to 31st July 2019, at GSSSIETW, Mysuru
- Attended three days Workshop on “Research Methodology and Latex organized by the DBIT,Bengaluru through e-Shiskshana platform ”from 19th June 2019 to 21st June 2019, at GSSSIETW, Mysuru
- Attended One day Workshop on “VLSI Analog Filters & Sigma Delta Converters” held on 21st February 2019 at VTU Regional office ,Bangalore.
- Participated in three days faculty development program on “Analog and Digital system Design using Cadence Tool” from 22nd to 24th January 2019 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Participated in one day faculty development program on “Effective eresources Retrieval strategies for efficient research” held on 9th January 2019 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Participated in one day international seminar on “Research and Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ISRIET) “held on 17th Dec 2018 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Attended TEQIP 1.3 Sponsored one week Faculty Enrichment programme (FEP) on “Analog Electronic Circuits” held on 6th to 10th August 2018 at VTU Regional Center, Mysuru.
- Attended Three days faculty development program on “computer networks using network simulator” held on 2nd – 4th January 2018 at ATME, Mysuru.
- Attended One day FDP on “Collaborative research and Pedagogy”, 3rd August 2017.
- Attended One day FDP on “Research Methodology and Teaching Information Security: An Overview,” on Friday 9th June 2017 from ISTE chapter by Dr. S N Sridhara , Principal/Director, K S Group of Institutions, KSSEM, Bangalore held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Attended one day faculty development program on “Recent trends in Science and Mathematics” held on 11/01/2017 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Attended one day IEEE PES workshop on “Women in Power Engineering” held on 16th December 2016 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Attended one day workshop on “Experimentations with Analog systems Lab Kit “held on 8th January 2016 at NIE Institute of technology, Mysuru.
- Attended Four days VTU-VGST-Faculty Development Program on “Brain to Computer interface (BCI) & its applications” held on 18th – 21st April 2014 at VTU Regional Center, Mysuru.
- Attended workshop on “Instructional Excellence in Intelligent Systems” under the Intel College Excellence Program, Conducted in GSSSIETW, Mysuru from 2nd - 4th April 2014.
- Attended one day workshop on “MSP430 Microcontroller & its applications” organized in dept. of E&CE, on 6th April 2013.
- Attended two days workshop on "Embedded Systems using MSP430" conducted by Gill Instruments in association with Texas Instruments at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Attended Faculty development Workshop on “Achieving Excellence in Teaching Skills and values” held on 28th April 2012 at PES college of Engineering, Mandya
Publications :
- Partcipated & Presented “Comparative study of 32 bit ALU in different software Tools”in SEMI –COMM TECH SUMMIT: international conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics & communication under the umbrella of international conclave on Engineering Science & Technology(ICEST-2024) held on 23rd and 24th April 2024.
- Published “Survey on Recent advances in Hearing Aid Technologies and trends” in the Fourth InterNational Conference on Advancements in Research & Developments(ICARD-2024) jointly organizedby Department of Commerce for Women,Autonomous Nampally,Hyderabad,Telengana,India& RSP conference Hub,Coimbatore,Tamilnadu,india on 30/01/2024.
- Published “SMART WOMEN SAFETY DEVICE USING IoT””” in the National Conference on Communication and Data Science (NCCDS-2021) & Published in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT). Volume 09-issue 12.
- Published ”Robotic Fish” in the National Conference on Communication and Data Science (NCCDS-2021) & Published in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT). Volume 09-issue 12.
- Published “Wheel chair Controlled by Head Movement” in “SEYBOLD REPORT” Volume 15 - Issue 9 – 2020.
- Publish“Performance Analysis of Adaptive Probability Filter Using Python” in the International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM), Volume: 04 Issue: 07, July -2020.
- “Advances in Medical Image Grading using IoT” in the International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM), Volume: 04 Issue07 ,July -2020.
- Presented ”Low Power 6T SRAM Design using 45nm Technology” in the National Conference on Communication and Data Science (NCCDS-2020),15th July 2020 & Published in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT).
- Presented “Smart Mirror using Raspberry Pi” in the National Conference on Communication and Data Science (NCCDS-2020), 15th July 2020 & Published in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT).
- An Innovative Idea To Charge a Mobile Battery And Illuminate The LED Panel Using a Solar Panel” in the National Conference on Communication and Data Science (NCCDS-2019), 26th April 2019 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- ”A Relative study on Adder Circuits” in the National Conference on Communication and Data Science (NCCDS-2019), 26th April 2019 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru
- ”IoT based secure Home Automation using Rasperry Pi” in the National Conference on Communication and Data Science (NCCDS-2019), 26th April 2019at GSSSIETW, Mysuru .
- Nalina H D,”Secured data transmission using Video Steganography” in the third National Conference on Electronics, Signals and Communication(NCESC-2018),May 2018 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru .
- Survey Paper on Radio Microphone” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, December 2017.
- Published “Survey Paper on Advanced Networks including Cognitive and Ggl Architecture Networks”” in International Conference on Academic Research in Engineering and Management ICAREM-2017. IETE, 2, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, 110003, India on 30th April 2017.
- Published,” Anti Collision Enhancement of SHA-1 using AES Encryption “2nd International Conference on "Innovative Trends in Science, Engineering and Management” (ICITSEM-16) held at YMCA, Connaught Place, New Delhi on 05 November 2016.
- Published “PLC Based Breakdown Notification Management system by SAP” in 4th International” 4th International conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Science and Management (ICRTESM – 2016), The International Centre Goa, Panjim, Goa(India), August 7th 2016.
- Published,“Single Chip Implementation of Encrypter/Decrypter of AES Algorithm”, International conference on Signal processing, Communication and Computational Research, VVIET, Mysuru, May 18th & 19th 2016.
Resource Person for SDP/FDP/Internship :
- Was a resource person for 3 weeks internship on “Cadence internship” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 10th to 31st August 2020.
- Was a Resource person for 5 Days SDP for second year students on Multisim. “NI Multisim- Introduction and Experiment based Learning” from 10th August 2020 to 14th August 2020.
Department Level (Academic )Activities :
- Technical Forum coordinator for the Odd Semester 2022 to odd Semester 2024 GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Alumnae coordinator for the ODD Semester 2024.
- IA Coordinator for the EVEN Semester 2024.
- Technical Forum coordinator for the Odd Semester 2022, GSSSIETW, Mysuru
- Technical Forum coordinator for the Odd Semester 2019 & EVEN semester 2020, GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Have guided Two UG projects in the area of VLSI design & Embedded system, Even semester 2017,2019, 2020 ,and guided one UG project in the area of image Processing, even semester 2018 ,GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Time Table coordinator for the academic years from 2011 -2018 & EVEN Semester 2019, GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- IA Coordinator for the ODD Semester 2018.
- Valuator at university level examination 2015-2016,2016-2017,2017– 2018, GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Academic counselor for UG students 2014-2019, GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Have guided 2 UG Mini projects in the area of image processing, odd semester 2017, GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
College level activities (Administration):
- Coordinator for the intercollegiate event “IETE StudentsDay-2023”, a technical competition organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering under IETE Students’ Forum, GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 28th February 2023.
- Coordinated for online ATAL FDP on “Artificial Intelligence” organized by the department of ECE held from 04.01.2021 to 08.01.2021.
- Worked as Event Manager for “Second International Conference on Adaptive Computational Intelligence ICACI-2020”, organized by the department of ECE held on 15th & 16th December 2020.
- Coordinated for Second “National Conference on Communication and Data Science” organized by the department of ECE held on 15th July 2020.
- Coordinated for Skill Development Program on “MSP430 and its Applications” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 06th June, 2020.
- Coordinated for “Online quiz on NAAC” organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Mysuru
- Coordinated online Power Electronics Quiz Competition “Power BUG” held from 28th to 30th June 2020.
- Coordinator in the 4th National Level Project Competition IEEE Project Expo-2019”, at GSSSIETW, Mysuru held on 29th April 2019.
- Worked as Event manager in Conference on “Communication and Data Science (NCCDS-2019), held on 26th April 2019 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Coordinator in the two days workshop on “Design and Development of Embedded systems using nodeMCU with IOT”, at GSSSIETW, Mysuru held on 2nd &3rd of April 2019.
- Coordinator in the three days faculty development Program on “Analog and digital system design using Cadence tool”, at GSSSIETW, Mysuru 22nd to 24th January 2019.
- Worked as Event manager in 3rd International Conference on “Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2018)”, held on 14th and 15th Dec 2018, at GSSSIETW Mysuru.
- Coordinator in the Skill Development Program on “Embedded Systems and IOT Applications”, at GSSSIETW, Mysuru 29th & 30th October 2018.
- Participated in 3rd National Conference on “Electrical, Signals and Communication NCESC-2018)”, held on 17th May 2018, at GSSSIETW Mysuru.
- Worked as Event manager in 3rd National Conference on “Electrical, Signals and Communication NCESC-2018)”, held on 17th May 2018, at GSSSIETW Mysuru.
- Participated in 2d National Conference on “Electrical, Signals and Communication NCESC-2017)”, held on 29th May 2018, at GSSSIETW Mysuru.
- Participated in the International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computers and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2016), held on 9th and 10th December 2016, at GSSSIETW Mysuru.
Professional Membership :
- MISTE, (Membership no) LM96869.
- AMIETE, (Membership no.) AM237515
Contact Details :
Department of ECE,
GSSS Institute Of Electronics & Communication engg.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 0821-4257304/05/06
My Vision :
Training our students to be leaders with technical expertise and ethical values, emphasizing multidisciplinary activity in both education and research quality in teaching, research, and daily operations Inculcating fundamental problem-solving skills and experimental skills that will last their whole career.