Accredited Branches
by NBA, New Delhi
(Validity up to June 2026)
(Validity up to June 2027)
GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women has built up a reputation of higher academic standards right from its inception since 2003 through a true dedication and hard work of the management and staff with high end facilities. The institution has got wonderful library facility to cater the requirement for all the stake holders to excel in their domain. It has a collection of 41346 Volumes and 25908 e-books that support teaching and research. Library subscribes to 39 printed journals/magazines. All the books in library have been classified as per AACR II of Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) and systematically shelved on Open Access. The entire collection has been bar-coded and fully automated by using Library Management Software.
The institute is a member of VTU Consortium for E-Resources. It is subscribed to National and International peer-reviewed e-Journals access through IEEE Xplore, Springer, Elsevier, Emerald, EBSCO, etc. It also has access to e-Books from Springer, Elsevier, BSP, Cambridg University Press, Cengage Learning, Qucklrn, Mint Books and Eduport. Electronic resources can be accessed within the campus and also access off campus via Knimbus Remote access facility. Additionally, the library provides a plagiarism check service for Thesis, Project work, articles etc using Drillbit software.
The GSSSIETW library consists of a central library and seven departmental libraries which collectively support the teaching - learning, research and development and extension programmes of the institution.
GSSSIETW library is setting time to time new goals and successful in achieving all the goals. It has emerged as modern library with its state of the art facilities and good infrastructure.
Library aims to be the best among engineering colleges libraries in the country. Library intends to incorporate the latest technology and adopt user friendly approach towards students and faculty. Library intends to offer comprehensive services related to dissemination of knowledge.
Infrastructure & Facilities
The library and information center is elegantly situated in the main building with centrally located within the campus. It spans spacious area of approximately 730 square meters having seating capacity for 250.
The library and information centre is automated using the user friendly library automation software called “Easylib software” which helps to search the database of books available for borrow at ease.
Computers in the library are provided with OPAC (Open Access Catalogue) which students can use for specific search (like Author wise, Title wise etc.) and book location in college library.
Issue & Return Desk:
Department of Library |
This Circulation Section provides users services in concerned with issue & returns of documents to the members: faculty, students, research scholars & supporting staff of institution. |
Stacks Area, all disciplines:
Department of Library |
Stack Section covers large No. of Engg & technology, computer science, electrical, electronic Engg, Basic science and humanities subject's books. P.G books. These books are properly labeled with subject & call number and title guides. |
Reference Section and Reading Hall:
Department of Library |
The library maintains reference section which houses encyclopedias, dictionaries, data hand books, Project Reports, journals Bound Volumes, Question Bank, general & specific collections of books, etc. |
Periodical Section:
Department of Library |
Periodical section contains national & international print journals, along with Kannada & English magazines are kept for students & staff reference. |
Digital Resources Center:
Department of Library |
The library has a separate place exclusively devoted for a digital library. It has in housed with 15 machines with all the A/V facilities. A patron can surf the internet, listen and watch academic-related audios & videos in a digital library. The Digital Library has all the information in a digital form, e- books e-journals, e-databases and NPTEL(National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning). The Digital Libraru provides E-learning through web and video courses in engineering & technology subjects as per the VTU syllabus. E-Journals subscribed for all the branches engineering for UG, PG & research through VTU consortium. Resources IT Infrastructure
Librarian Chamber & Office:
Department of Library |
Department Library and Information Centre is providing following facilities for user community of GSSSIETW
1. Book Borrowing Facility:
The library users borrow books for a specific period. The lending process is fully automated using a barcode system, ensuring accurate tracking of borrowed and returned items. The number of books a person can borrow depends on their category.
2. Digital Library Facility:
The library provides access to a wide range of digital resources, such as e-books, e-journals, databases, and other digital content. Users can access these materials on-campus or remotely enabled through Knimbus Remote Access platform.
3. Fully Automated book borrowing facility:
he library is equipped with an Easylib Integrated Library Management System, where every physical resource is tagged with a barcode. Users can easily issue or return books using the system and all transactions are logged automatically, reducing manual work and errors.
4. Wi-Fi Facility:
The library offers Wi-Fi access to users. This helps students and faculty access online resources, databases, and e-books conveniently on their laptops or mobile devices while inside the library.
5. Email Alert facility:
The library sends email notifications to its users about library services and this service keeps library users informed about the latest arrivals in the library books, journals, reports, etc.
6. Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC):
OPAC is a digital catalog where users can search for books, journals and other resources available in the library. It allows users to check the availability, location, and status of books from anywhere with internet access.
7. Reference Service:
The library provides assistance to users in finding specific information or resources. The reference service is designed to help with research queries, academic projects, or locating find resources.
8. Newspaper Clipping:
This service collects and archives important news articles from newspapers on specific topics, and events. It is useful for keeping track of relevant news and developments over time, particularly in areas
9. Open Access:
All books have been classified as per AACR II of Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) and systematically shelved on Open Access and user can access their interested books.
10. Reprography facility;
Users can request photocopying, scanning, or printing services for books or documents they are interested in, as per their needs.
Branches | Volumes |
No of books | 41346 |
No of E-books | 24908 |
No of E-journals | 9329 |
No of print journals | 40 |
No of CDs/DVDs | 3636 |
Project reports | 191 |
Bound volumes | 618 |
No of news paper | 09 |
The Department of Library and Information Center has implemented books lending policies to ensure efficient circulation management and equitable access to resources for all users. The following are common policies for the book lending process:
Sl No | Library user | No of books | Period |
1 | UG Students | 04 | 14 days |
2 | PG Students | 05 | 14 days |
3 | Faculty Member | 06 | One semester |
4 | Technical Staff | 02 | One Semester |
5 | SC/ST Book Bank | 02 | One semester |
6 | Meritorious card | 01 | 14 days |
7 | Literature card | 01 | 14 days |
The working hours of the GSSSIEW Library are as follows.
Reference Section | 08:45 am to 8:00 pm |
Digital Library | 08:45 am to 8:00 pm |
Lending Section | 08:45 am to 5.15 pm |
Sl No | Publishers | No of e-journals/e-books covered | Subject Covered | Subject Covered Link |
1 |
Science Direct ![]() |
327 e-journals | CS ,EE, ME,EC, and allied branches of engineering | |
2 |
Springer ![]() |
689 e-Journal | EC,EEE, CS, ME,CE Chemistry and Mathematics Physics | |
3 |
201 e-Journals + 1800 +IEEE Annual conference proceeding | EC,EEE, CS, IS, AIML, AI-DS | |
4 |
Emerald Journals ![]() |
212 e-Journals | Management | |
5 |
EBSCO Engineering Suits ![]() |
E-Journals 6100 E-Books 24015 | Engineering, Management, Architecture | |
6 |
Eduport Global-CBS ![]() |
174 e-Books | All Engineering Branches | |
7 |
BSP E-Books ![]() |
141 E-Books | All Engineering Branches | |
8 |
Cengage Learning ![]() |
69 e-Books | All Engineering Branches | |
9 |
Cambridge University Press ![]() |
58 e-books | All Engineering Branches | |
10 |
Mint Books ![]() |
1360 eBooks | All Engineering Branches | |
11 |
Quiklrn ![]() |
91 E-Books | All Engineering Branches | |
12 |
Quiklrn Language communication Lab ![]() |
Language communication Lab | Language Lab | |
13 |
IEEE Blended e-Learning Platform |
E-Leaning Platform | E-Leaning Platform | |
14 |
KNIMBUS ![]() |
Cloud server Remote Access Solution + mLibrary mobile App | Remote access platform (Access to e-resources in campus and off campus) | |
15 |
Drillbit ![]() |
Drillbit-Plagiarism Detection Software | Drillbit-Plagiarisum Detection Software | Contact Librarian for plagiarism check service for Thesis, Project work, articles etc |
Additional Resources
Sl No | Particulars | Content | Url |
01 |
AICTE E-Kumbha Portal |
AICTE launched this portal for Engineering and diploma books in English and 09 regional languages. Students and faculty access these books once register through this portal | |
02 | National Digital Library ![]() |
Educational materials are available for users ranging from primary to post-graduate levels Repository hosts contents from multiple subject domains like Technology, Science, Humanities, Agriculture and others More than 1,76,07,617 documents are available (including Audios and Videos) | |
03 | NPTEL Server(National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning) | Audio and Video lecture and Notes, Faculties Course Materials etc. | http:\\ User Name : student Password : student |
04 | VTU Previous Years question papers | VTU old question papers and Students Project Reports available | http:\\ User Name : student Password : student |