Faculty Name : Dr. Bellappa. S
Department : Chemistry
Dr. Bellappa S
Dept. of Chemistry,
Education Details :
- Ph.D. in Chemistry, Department of Studies in Chemistry, Manasagangothri, University of Mysuru, Mysuru, 2007(18-8-2007).
- Master of Science in Chemistry, Department of Studies in Chemistry, Manasagangothri, University of Mysuru, Mysuru, 1997.
- Bachelor of Education, College of Teachers’ education, Mysuru, 1995.
- Bachelor of Science, JSS College, Nanjangud, 1994.
Personal Details :
- Date of birth : 08.07.1972.
- Hobbies : Reading, Listening to music & Playing
- Languages Known : English & Kannada
Research Details :
Guided 01 Scholar for the award of Ph.D degree
- Mrs. Thriveni M K, Asst. Professor of Chemistry, Maharaja Institute of Technology, Mysuru awarded Ph.D degree with topic “A Study on Oxidation of some biologically important compounds: Kinetic Mechanistic Approach”.
Guiding 02 Ph.D. Scholars in the area of chemistry
- Mrs. Sujatha H R, Asst. Professor of Chemistry, NIE Institute of Technology, Mysuru, is doing research under my guidance with topic “Polymer based composite with naturally occurring additives for food packaging”. Completed Pre- Ph.D comprehensive viva-voce examination.
- Nagaraj Rao V N is doing research under my guidance with topic entitled “Studies on Effect of Metal Passivators in Presence of Sulphur Compounds on Transformer Oil-Copper Paper Composite System during Thermal Aging”. Partially Completed Course Work Exam.
Profession Experience :
- Working as Professor at GSSSIETW, Mysore from 1.09.2013 to till date.
- Worked as Associate Professor at GSSSIETW, Mysore from 1.09.2011 to 31.08.2013.
- Worked as Assistant Professor at GSSSIETW, Mysore from 20.02.2008 to 31.08.2011.
- Worked as Lecturer at JSS College for Women, Saraswathipuram, Mysuru from 1.08.2000 to 16.02.2008.
- Worked as Lecturer at JSS College, Chamarajanagar from 1.07.1997 to 31.03.2000.
Labs Established :
- Established Chemistry Research Lab. in the department of Chemsitry.
Publications :
- M K Thriveni, I Mallikarjuna, S. Bellappa and T Shivalingawamy, “Oxidation of caffeine by Diperiodo cuprate(III) with and without Ruthenium(III) in alkaline medium”, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 95(1), 2021, S44-S55.
- M K Triveni, S. Bellappa, T Shivalingawamy and I Mallikarjuna, “Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of Caffeine by Permanganate ion in Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide Solution”, Journal of Applicable Chemistry, 7 (6), 2018, 1739-1746.
- Mallikarjuna, H. C. Puneeth, M. K. Triveni, S. Bellappa, “Ruthenium(III) catalyzed oxidation of hexamine by alkaline permanganate: A Kinetic & mechanistic approach”, Research Inspiration, 2016, vol. 1, Issue 4, pp 64-76.
- H. L. Pushpalatha, S. Bellappa, T. N. Narayana swamy and R. Ganesha, “Structural and Optical Properties of CdS Thin Film Obtained by Chemical Bath Deposition and Effect of Annealing”, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, Vol. 52, pp 545-549, 2014.
- H. L. Pushpalatha, S. Bellappa, and R. Ganesha, “Structural and Morphological Studies of CdS Thin Films Grown by Photochemical Deposition”, International Journal of ChemTech Research, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp 1998-2001, May-June 2014.
- H. L. Pushpalatha, S. Bellappa, T. N. Narayana swamy and R. Ganesha, “Deposition and Characterization of CdS Thin Films by Chemical Bath Deposition”, International Journal of ChemTech Research, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp 2005-2008, May-June 2014.
- H. L. Pushpalatha, S. Bellappa, T. N. Narayana swamy and R. Ganesha, “Annealing Studies of CdS Thin Films Grown by Chemical Bath Deposition”, International Journal of ChemTech Research, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp 2009-2012, May-June 2014.
- H. L. Pushpalatha, S. Bellappa, T. N. Narayana swamy and R. Ganesha, “Growth of CdS thin film by photochemical deposition-its structural and morphological studies, International conference on Materials and Characterization Techniques”, VIT, Vellore, 10th -12th , March-2014.
- H. L. Pushpalatha, S. Bellappa, T. N. Narayana swamy and R. Ganesha, “Annealing studies of CdS thin films grown by CBD, International conference on Materials and Characterization Techniques”, VIT, Vellore, 10th -12th , March-2014.
- H. L. Pushpalatha, S. Bellappa, T. N. Narayana swamy and R. Ganesha, “Growth of cadmium sulfide thin film by chemical bath deposition and structural, optical characterization”, XVIII NSCG, Centre of Crystal Growth, SSNCE, Kalavakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu, 24th -26th Feb. 2014.
- H. L. Pushpalatha, S. Bellappa, T. N. Narayana swamy and R. Ganesha, “Deposition of thin film of CdS by Chemical Bath Deposition and characterization”, 2nd National Seminar on Physics of Materials and Materials Based Device Fabrication, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, 4th & 5th Jan. 2013.
- Dr. P. Prakash & Dr. Bellappa S., “Employability Skills for Engineers in the Global Market”, International Conference on Engineering Education: Innovative Practices & Future Trends, ACERA2012, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally, Kottayam Dt, Kerala, 19-21 July 2012.
- Dr. P. Prakash & Dr. Bellappa S., “Diversity & Challenges in Engineering Education”, International Conference on Engineering Education: Innovative Practices & Future Trends, ACERA2012, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally, Kottayam Dt, Kerala, 19-21 July 2012.
- B. N. Achar, and S. Bellappa, “ Evaluation of Molecular Weight and Analytical Assay of the Phenothaizine Drugs”, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 83, pp 629-630, 2006.
- B. N. Achar, and S. Bellappa, “ A Modified Sensitive Micro Spectrophotometric determination of Iron(III) by Thiocyanate Method”, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences , pp 119-122, January - February 2005.
- B. N. Achar, and S. Bellappa, “Determination of Molecular Weight and Analytical Assay of the Phenothaizine Drugs”, Indian Drugs , 41(9), pp 544-549, 2004.
Academic Activities :
- Attended one day webinar on “Role of Chemistry in day to day life”, MIT, Mysuru, 28 August 2020.
- Attended one day webinar on “Chemistry behind Biocomposting and Biogasification”, JSS college for Women, Mysuru, 10 August 2020.
- Attended one day webinar on “Metallic corrosion and graphene based anticorrosion coating materials”, VVCE, Mysuru, 17 July 2020.
- Attended one day webinar on “Multifunctional materials for energy applications”, VVCE, Mysuru, 14 July 2020.
- Attended one day National webinar on “Plastics versus bioplastics from environment and sustainable point of view”, Tirumala Engineering College, Guntur, 7 July 2020.
- Session chair for International conference on “Recent trends in Science and Technology (ICRTST-2020)”, ATME, Mysuru, 17-18 June 2020.
- Attended one day webinar on “Athmanirbhar Bharath”, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 27 May 2020.
- Attended five days webinar on “UHV”, AICTE, 2-7 May 2020.
- Worked as reviewer for the International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology (ICRTST-2020) organized by ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru on 17th and 18th June 2020.
- Participated in three day webinar series on Drone Technology organized by the Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GSSSIETW, Mysuru under IQAC from 15th to 17th June 2020
- Attended one day FEEL Teacher-Developing Counselling Mentoring Learning and Development Intervention, GSSS Simha Subbamahalakshmi First Grade College, Mysuru, 13 January 2020.
- Attended five days FDP on Recent Trends and Applications of High Voltage- a Step towards Green Environment, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 27-31 July 2019.
- Attended six days FDP on Advanced Materials for Energy, Water and Health, SJCE, Mysuru, 22-27 July 2019.
- Attended BOE meeting on 28 September 2018 at VTU, Belagavi, to discuss about Question Paper.
- Attended one week FDP on Recent Trends in Smart Materials and their Applications, JSS Science and Technology University, SJCE, Mysuru, 13-17 November 2018.
- Attended one day workshop on New model curriculum for forst year B.E. CBCS detailed syllabus (2018-19) as per outcomes: based education (OBE) format including course outcomes (CO) and blooms taxonomy, organized by VTU under TEQIP 1.3, Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management, Mangaluru, 19 May 2018.
- Attended three days FDP on Recent Trends in Nano Science & Technology (RTNST-2017), GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 12-14 October 2017.
- Attended one day workshop on Role of chemistry in higher engineering courses (RCE-2018), Sambhram Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, 20th January 2018.
- Attended one day FDP Programme on Research Methodology & Teaching Information Security: An Overview, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 9 June 2017.
- Attended one day National seminar on Nano-technology for energy, environment and healt” organized by NIEIT, Mysuru, 28 Feb 2017.
- Attended one day workshop on Bloom’s taxonomy, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 31 Jan 2017.
- Attended one day FDP Programme on Recent Trends in Science and Mathematics (RTSM-2017), GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 11 Jan 2017.
- Attended one day workshop on Bloom’s taxonomy, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 31 Jan 2017.
- Attended one day National seminar on Nano-technology for energy, environment and health organized by NIEIT, Mysuru, 28 Feb 2017.
- Attended one day FDP Programme on Research Methodology & Teaching Information Security: An Overview, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 9 June 2017.
- Valuator for VTU Belgum from 2008
- Worked as External Practical Examiner VTU Belgum from 2008
- Student counselor from 2008
- Worked as Chief Superintendent for BE/M. Tech/MBA VTU examinations
- Attended a two days Faculty Development Program(VGST-VTU sponsored) organized by department of chemistry of Vidya Vikas Institute of Engg. & Technology, Mysuru-20 on 14th to 15th Oct. 2011
- Attended two day workshop on "Latex" conducted by CSE & EEE of GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 29th and 30th of July 2014.
- Attended one day workshop on “Recent Advances in electrochemical and Surface Science and Engineering” organized by the Department of Chemistry, B N M Institute of Engg. And Technology, Bengaluru on 26th Aug. 2010.
- Participated one day workshop on “Recent Advances in electrochemical and Surface Science and Engineering” organized by the Department of Chemistry, B N M Institute of Engg. And Technology, Bengaluru on 26th Aug. 2010.
- Attended Two days workshop on “Foundations for Project Proposals” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engg. GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 21st and 22nd Aug. 2009.
- Attended a three days international conference on 6th Bengaluru India Nano at The Lalit ashok, Bengaluru on 4th -6th Dec. 2013.
- Conducted the inauguration of science club followed by a technical talk on “Make in India through Research-Innovation-Patent” by Dr. K Natarajan, Prof. & Head,Dept of Chemistry and Director- Advanced polymer lab, R.V.College of Engineering, Bangaluru on 11.04.2015 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Organized the inauguration of ISTE Staff Chapter in our institution on 7th March 2015.
- Participated in three days workshop on NBA Accreditation at GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 21 – 23 July 2015.
Administrative Activities :
- I have been working as HOD of Chemistry department since 20.02.2008
- Worked as Deputy Chief Superintendent for COMED-K from 2008 to 2013 as well as PGCET examinations.
- Worked as Deputy Chief Superintendent & Chief Superintendent for VTU examinations from 2008 to 2014
Professional Membership :
- LMISTE(LM 96923)
Awards Received :
- Achieved 100% results in Odd Jan -2013 Examination
Professional Vision :
To impart the fundamental, modern and innovative skills effectively to young minds to meet the present and future demands of industry and societal needs.
Contact Details :
Department of Department of Chemistry,,
GSSS Institute Of Engineering & Technology For Women
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
Phone : 0821-4257304/05/06 (Extn 1126)
My Vision :
To be an expert in arriving solution for challenging world problems.