Faculty Name : Lalitha K
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Assistan Professor,
Dept. of ECE,
ORCID ID : 0009-0007-3588-7165
Google Scholar ID : https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=MCL9C58AAAAJ
Vidwan ID : https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/530264
Education Details:
- Master of Technology in VLSI Design and Embedded systems , VTU Belguam,2014
- Bachelor of Engineering in Instrumentation Technology, SJCE, Mysore, 2008.
Personal Details:
- Date of birth : 20/11/1986
- Languages Known: Kannada, English and Tamil
- Nationality: Indian.
Profession Experience :
- As Assistant Professor at GSSSIETW, Mysuru from Feb 2009 to till date.
Publications :
Conference Publications:
- Lalitha K, Dr. S Padmashree, “Empirical Study on Imaging Modalities used for Gastric Cancer Diagnosis”, in Annual international Conference on Recent Trends in Healthcare Innovations (AICRTHI)- 2024, Oct 24th 2024, VVCE, Mysuru
- Lalitha K, H R Mandhara, Hema P, Tejaswini K S, “Design and Development of Robotic Vehicle to Assist Patients in Isolation Ward”, in International Conference of Science, Technology and Management (ICASTM) – 2024, 25/04/2024, St. Xavier’s college, Patna.
- M S Vaishnavi, Nidhi S, Prathiksha P M, Priya Lalsingh Naik, Lalitha K, “Voice Based Assistant System For Independent Navigation of Blind, NCCDS-2024, Apr 25th 2024, GSSSIETW, Mysuru
- Syeda Afreen Saher, Shreya Goel D, Tejaswini A, Varsha S, Lalitha K “Smart Prepaid Energy Meter using IOT” in national conference NCRACES – 2019, May 10th 2019.
- Lalitha K, Sowjanya M N, Pavithra S “A Secured Vehicle Parking Management and Reservation System using Zigbee and GSM Technology” in second national level conference on Robotics, Automation, Controls and Embedded Systems” , May 7th, 2018
- Lalitha. K, Sowjanya M N and Stafford Michahial presented a technical paper “Human identification based on iris recognition using support vector machines” in International Conference on Signal Processing and Computational Research (ICSPCCR-16), VVIET Mysuru
- Lalitha. K, Deepika T V and Amrutha. R presented a technical paper “Patient Monitoring Robot” in International Conference on Signal Processing and Computational Research (ICSPCCR-16), VVIET Mysuru
- Avikumar, Ashwini B N, Lalitha K, presented a technical paper “Conversion of Speech to Text for Hearing Impaired” in International Conference on Signal Processing and Computational Research (ICSPCCR-16), VVIET Mysuru
- Smt. Lalitha k presented a technical paper on “MEMS in Bio-Medicine” in the National Conference on Power Systems & Industrial Automation (NCPSIA-2015), organized at GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 22nd August 2015.
Journal Publications:
- Lalitha K, H R Mandhara, Hema P, Tejaswini K S, “Design and Development of Robotic Vehicle to Assist Patients in Isolation Ward”, International Research Journal on Advanced Engineering Hub (IRJAEH) e ISSN: 2584-2137 Vol. 02 Issue: 05 May 2024 Page No: 1108 – 1114
- Sowjanya M N, Amrutha R, Lalitha K, “Multi-Purpose Farm Assist Robot”, journal of IJARCCE, Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2023, DOI:10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.12740.
- Lalitha K and Sreelakshmi H S “Green House monitoring and Control System using IoT” Journal of Instrument Society of India (ISOI), vol.49, no. 3, pp.114, December 2020.
- Syeda Afreen Saher, Shreya Goel D, Tejaswini A, Varsha S, Lalitha K “Smart Prepaid Energy Meter using IOT” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technolgy”, May 2019.
- Lalitha K, Sowjanya M N, Pavithra S “A Secured Vehicle Parking Management and Reservation System using Zigbee and GSM Technology” International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology Volume 4, Issue 6, May-June-2018
- Amrutha R, Lalitha K, Stafford Michahial, Dr M Shivakumar, “Feature Extraction of Speech Signal using LPC” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering ISO 3297:2007 Certified Vol. 5, Issue 1 2, December 2016.
- Lalitha. K, Sowjanya M N and Stafford Michahial presented a technical paper “Human identification based on iris recognition using support vector machines” in International Conference on Signal Processing and Computational Research (ICSPCCR-16), VVIET Mysuru which was also published in “International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IJEREEE)“ Vol 2, Issue 5, May 2016
- Lalitha. K, Deepika T V and Amrutha. R presented a technical paper “Patient Monitoring Robot” in International Conference on Signal Processing and Computational Research (ICSPCCR-16), VVIET Mysuru which was also published in International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IJEREEE) Vol 2, Issue 5, May 2016.
- Avikumar, Ashwini B N, Lalitha K, presented a technical paper “Conversion of Speech to Text for Hearing Impaired” in International Conference on Signal Processing and Computational Research (ICSPCCR-16), VVIET Mysuru which was also published in International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IJEREEE) Vol 2, Issue 5, May 2016.
- Lalitha. K and Sowjanya M N Presented a technical paper “Communication Efficient Query Protocol to Preserve Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks” in National Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication Engineering (NCREC-16), Sri Krishna Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- Lalitha K, Ashwini G, Arpitha Gosh and Archana published a technical paper on “ Annunciator for Blind Person using Ultrasonic Sensor” in International Journal of Recent Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJRREEE) Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp: (20-25), Month: July 2015 - September 2015
Academic Activities :
- Have Guided 20 UG Projects.
- Have guided 07 mini Projects.
- Have Participated in various departmental technical fest and supported for the conduction of various technical events
College / Department Level Activities :
- Worked as coordinator for 3 day Hackathon on “IOT Innovate – a –Thon”, from 8th – 10th July 2024.
- Worked as coordinator in 4th National Conference on Communication and Data Science (NCCDS) – 2024, 25th Apr 2024.
- Coordinated for One-day workshop for diploma students “ROBOTEER-2023” on 6th January 2023 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Conducted Academic internship for 7th semester students on Embedded Systems and Robotics in the academic year 2022-23.
- Conducted 2 days SDP on “Arduino and its Applications” for VI Sem students from 17th to 18th May 2021.
- Worked as Coordinator in 3rd National Conference on “Robotics, Automation, Control and Embedded Systems”, held on 10th May 2019, organized at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Worked as coordinator for ROBOTEER 2019 held on 24th January 2019
- Worked as coordinator for 4 day FDEP on “Control Systems” from 16th – 19th January 2019.
- Worked as Coordinator in 2nd National Conference on “Robotics, Automation, Control and Embedded Systems”, held on 7th May 2018, organized at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Worked as coordinator for National Conference on “Robotics, Automation, Controls and Embedded Systems held on 22nd August 2017.
- Arranged industrial visits to CFTRI, Vikram Hospital, ACE components, KMF, Kaynes Technologies, Nestle, Narayana Hrudayala and BEML Mysore.
- Worked as workshop convener for the Five Days Workshop on “Distributed Control System” held from 05.01.2016 to 11.01.2016 organized by IT/EIE in association with YOKOGAWA India Ltd, Bengaluru at GSSSIETW, Mysuru
- Worked as workshop coordinator for three Days Workshop on “Field Instrument Concepts” held from 14.07.2015 to 16.07.2015 organized by IT/EIE in association with YOKOGAWA India Ltd, Bengaluru at GSSSIETW, Mysuru
- Worked as workshop coordinator for the Five Days Workshop on “PLC & SCADA Systems” held from 19.01.2015 to 23.01.2015 organized by IT/EIE in association with YOKOGAWA India Ltd, Bengaluru at GSSSIETW, Mysuru
- Worked as workshop convener for the Five Days Workshop on “Distributed Control System” held from 05.01.2015 to 09.01.2015 organized by IT/EIE in association with YOKOGAWA India Ltd, Bengaluru at GSSSIETW, Mysuru
- Coordinated the Technical Talk on “Emerging Trends in Process Automation” Smt. Padma R , Deputy Manager (Training), Customer Service Division, Yokogawa India Limited, Bangalore, 18th Sept 2014 .
- Coordinated the Industrial visits to Kaynes Technologies, 30.08.2014.
- Arranged Technical Talk on “Current Trends in Robotics” By Mr. Nagendra R Setty, Founder, CEO, Ideas Unlimited, Mysore - 19th Sept 2013
- Arranged Technical Talk on “Space Technology” By Mr. C.D Prasad, Scientist/Engineer (Retired), Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre,ISRO, Department of Space, Trivendrum - 4th May 2013
- Arranged a technical talk on “ ROBOTICS “ by Mr. Ayan Daas, Chief Engineer, iROBOT India Pvt. Ltd., Mysore – 12th Feb 2011
- Worked as coordinator to arrange technical seminar “Biomedical Instrumentation Scope & opportunities” by Dr. Mallikarjuna S Holi Prof & Head, Dept. of Biomedical Engg. BIET, Bangalore -6th May 2010
- Arranged a seminar on Seminar on “Technical Communication” by Ms. Arpitha M Kaushik, Application Engineer, Mahindra, Bangalore -1st March 2010.
- Arranged a technical seminar on “Virtual Instrumentation” by Mr. Sagar S Belurgi Application Engineer,Trident Techlab, Bangalore - 11th Feb 2010 .
Faculty Development Activities :
- Attended one week FDP on “Empowering Education Through E-Learning and Digital Tools”, from 21/10/2024 to 26/10/2024, Organized by Department of MBA,Vaagdevi Engineering College, Telangana, India.
- Attended one week NSM-DST Sponsored National Workshop on “High Performance Computing in Engineering Applications (HPCEA)”, held during 28th February to 3rd March 2024, organized by Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Warangal.
- Attended one week online FDP on “Digital Logic & Embedded System Design using Intel FPGAs” from 6th November to 11th November 2023.
- Attended one week online teachers program on “Introduction to Internet of Things” from 17th – 21st April 2023, organized by VTU.
- Five days FDP on “Digital Design and Verification” organized by BIT college, Bengaluru, from 23rd to 27th August 2021.
- FDP on “Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things”, NPTEL
- 3 days FDP on “Inspirational Technology, IoT and 5G Communication” organized by GSSSIETW, from 15th to 17th September, 2021
- 5 Day FDP on “Sensors Application through IoT” , Organized by UBDT college of Engineering, Davangere, from 20th to 24th September 2021.
- One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Designing Automation for Future Industries” Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Ghousia College of Engineering, Ramanagara, from 09 June 2020 to 13 June 2020.
- R training organized at Smt Kamala And Sri Venkappa M Agadi College Of Engineering And Technology in January 2020.
- Workshop on FEEL Teacher - Mentoring, Counseling, Developing on 13th Jan 2020, organized by GSSS SimhaSubbamahalakshmi first Grade College.
- Completed a course on Arduino Simulation and Block Coding on April 16, 2020
- Completed Python tutorial Course on 27th March 2020 by Solo Learn Platform.
- One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Concepts, Methods, Challenges and Future directions in Medical image analysis using Machine learning” , organised by the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation, SJCE , JSS S&TU, Mysuru, from 10th to 14 th August 2020
- One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Designing Automation for Future Industries” Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Ghousia College of Engineering, Ramanagara, from 09 June 2020 to 13 June 2020.
- Attended one day workshop on “Pedagogy of the oppressed” on 30th Nov 2019 at Gopalswamy college, Mysuru.
- Attended one day workshop on “virtual labs” on 26th October 2019 at ATME college of Engineering, Mysuru
- Attended 5 day national level program FDP on “Advanced Control theory and Latex” from 15th July to 19th July 2019 at ATME college of Engineering.
- Paticipated in 3 day workshop on “Research Methodology and Latex” organized by DBIT, Bengaluru through e shikshana Platform from 19th – 21st June 2019
- Attended 4 day FDEP on “Control Systems” from 16th – 19th January 2019.
- Attended one week workshop on “Analysis of Biomedical Signal and Mathematical Modeling” from 24th to 28th December 2018 held at SJCE, JSSSTU, Mysuru
- Attended two day FDP on “Quality Indicator Framework for NAAC Process” from 23rd to 24th July 2018.
- Attended one week FDP on “Internet of Things” at JSSATE, Bangalore from June 18th to 23rd 2018.
- Attended five day workshop on “Measurement & Automation using MyRIO” by National Instruments, Bengaluru, from 23rd to 27th April 2018, organized at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Attended five day workshop on “DAQ Training using myDAQ” by National Instruments, Bengaluru, from 8th – 12th January 2018, organized at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Participated in the course Radiomics, Pathomics and deep learning for disease diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment Evaluation on Digital Pathology, CT and MRI Scans at SJCE from 26th December 2017 to 30th December 2017.
- Attended a 3 day workshop on MATLAB R2017a organized by Dept. of Electricals & Electronics Engineering, VVCE Mysuru in association with CoreEL Technologies, Bengaluru from 28th to 30th July.
- Attended five days workshop on “LabVIEW Core 1 & Core 2”, from 3rd to 7th February 2017, organized at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Attended one day FDP on “Blooms Taxonomy” on 31st January 2017, organized at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Attended Faculty Development Program(FDP) on “control system “conducted by SJCE, Mysuru, 01st and 02nd February 2016.
- Attended 3 days workshop on “NBA Accreditation” from 21 – 23rd July 2015, organized at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.
- Attended 1 day workshop on “NBA Accreditation” organized by GSSSIETW, Mysore from 4th July 2015.
- Five Days Workshop on “PLC and SCADA Systems” Conducted by YOKOGAWA India Ltd, Bengaluru at GSSSIETW, Mysuru, from 19.01.2015 to 23.01.2015.
- Five Days Workshop on “Distributed Control Systems” Conducted by YOKOGAWA India Ltd, Bengaluru at GSSSIETW, Mysuru, from 05.01.2015 to 09.01.2015.
- A Workshop (FDP) on MSP430, conducted by Texas Instruments at GSSSIETW, Mysore, from 20.09.2014 to 21.09.2014.
- Workshop (FDP) on Matlab & Simulink on 31.07.2012 at VVIET, Mysore,
- FDP on Recent Advances in Medical Imaging techniques Sponsored by VTU, Belgaum and VGST at GSSSIETW, Mysuru, from 26th - 30th March 2012.
- Worked as workshop coordinator in zonal rounds of Robo Tryst-2013, held from 18/10/2012 to 19/10/2012 organized by Robosapiens Technologies Pvt. Ltd. in collaboration with IIT Delhi at GSSSIETW,Mysore
- Attended Second National Level Conference TANTRAGNANA 2009 organized by GSSS Institute of Engg. And Technology for Women, Mysore - 16 on 6th and 7th Oct. 2009.
Administrative Activities :
- Worked as invigilator for COMED-K, CET and GATE examinations.
Professional Membership :
- Life time member of ISOI, ISTE
Awards / Funds Received :
- Received Rs. 5,500/- from KSCST for the project titled “Design and Development of Robotic Vehicle to Assist the Patients in Isolation Ward”.
- Received Rs. 4000/- from KSCST for the project titled “IOT based Forest Monitoring System using Deep Learning”.
- Received Rs. 5000/- from VTU for the project titled “Automatic Ration Material Distribution System based on Finger Print and Cloud Technology”.
- Received Rs. 5000/- from VTU for the project titled “Smart Water Quality Monitoring and Accounting system”.
- 100% Results Award for the subjects handled
- Instrument Transducer
- Microcontrollers
- VLSI Design
- DSP Architecture
- Advanced Control Systems
- PIC Microcontroller
- Digital Design & HDL
- ARM Processor
Contact Details:
Department of ECE,
GSSS Institute Of Engineering & Technology For Women
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.